The complete range of in-vivo and in-vitro studies are offered to enable the characterization of the absorption, distribution metabolism and excretion (ADME) and Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics (DMPK) of candidate pharmaceuticals and bio-pharmaceuticals.
The in vivo studies are performed using the animal species used in toxicology using the administration routes relevant to the therapeutic use of the drug.
- Absorption and bio-availability
- Quantitative tissue distribution
- Metabolite identification (LC-MS/MS & NMR)
- Biliary excretion and enterohepatic circulation
- Excretion/Balance
- Pharmacokinetics and statistical data analysis
- Placental transfer
- Milk excretion
In vitro studies:
- Protein binding
- Metabolic profiles
- Metabolic stability-P450 isoform identification
- P450 inhibition potential
- Enzyme induction
- Drug/drug interaction studies
- Dermal penetration
Species comparison of metabolic profiles