This service has been developed in collaboration with our customers to support the early screening phases and allow the candidate compound selection process rapidly and cost effectively.
Key services include:
In vivo pharmacokinetics
- vehicle selection
- single dose
- cassette dose
- PK analysis
Serial blood sampling with automated equipment that allows accurate sampling. Drug plasma analysis by LC-MS generic methods optimised and used with limited validation.
In vitro metabolic stability
Automated metabolic stability screening process for the rapid screening sets of 10-20 compounds. Human or animal microsomes or fresh hepatocytes are used to produce information of intrinsic clearance.
CYP450 Inhibition assays
Evaluation of the major CYP’s enzymes involved in the drug metabolism of candidate drugs. Rapid assessment of IC50 by a 96-well plate format.
Blood Brain Barrier Model
Extensive experience with an In-vivo blood brain barrier model. The method provides useful information on CNS penetration that is assessed against a positive control. Analysis by generic LC-MS methods.
Special Expertise | Quantitative Whole-Body Autoradiography (QWBA) 
QWBA becomes increasingly important in early phases of drug discovery for its ability to provide rapid and consistent information on the tissue distribution, site specific drug localisation, tumour penetration etc. The studies are performed in a state-of-the-art facility fully equipped with latest generation cryomicrotomes and Phospho imaging system for rapid quantification.
Genetic toxicology screening tests
Standard Mouse lymphoma assay and Ames test have been developed in miniaturised version to reduce the required amount of test substance and the duration and the price of the assay.
General Pharmacology
More than 100 classical pharmacology validated assays are available for the evaluation of the pharmacological activity of candidate drugs.
Caco-2 permeability
Papp or Absorption index (AI) are determined. 28-day Caco-2 cultures in combination with automated dosing and sapling system to ensure consistency of results.
Ultrasound and Optical Imaging: can provide non-expensive qualitative PD
QSAR (Structure-Activity Relationship): for in silico assessment of toxicological alerts and prediction of physical-chemical properties
Special Expertise – Neurological
General assays
Special Assays
- Specialized Neurological Assays and Models
- Blood Brain Barrier Model
- Metabolic Model
- Age-related macular degeneration
- Alzheimer’s Disease
- Blood-brain Barrier
- Endothelial Barrier
- Immune cells and Inflammation
- Ischemia
- Multiple sclerosis
- Neuropathic pain
- Parkinson’s Disease
Please our Contact Form for asking our consultants any information you may need about our services.